Chelonia Limited

      Wildlife Acoustic Monitoring




photo of bottlenose dolphins. Copyright © Jan LoveridgeThe Chelonia C-POD revolutionised the way we study cetaceans in the wild by detecting toothed whales, dolphins and porpoises using the trains of echo-location sounds they produce.

C-PODs monitor the presence and activity of toothed cetaceans by the detection within the CPOD app of the trains of echo-location clicks that they make. This gives them much lower false positive rates than can be achieved by identifying the characteristics of individual clicks, whether in wav files or other formats.

C-PODs will eventually be superceded by the new F-POD, but sales and support will of course continue for users who need to stay with C-PODs for data continuity.

For new users and for new projects we recommend using F-PODs as they use new software and electronics that give many advantages.

For current C-POD users who would like to upgrade to F-PODs, you can find advice and a comparison of features here.

Software features that connect to ideas about acoustics, statistics, data analysis, etc., are expanded in several PowerPoint presentations available on the Downloads page. Software and User Guides for the C-POD are also available on the Downloads page.

For more information about using PODs, see the FAQProject planning and Deployment pages.